The Faster Zebra Whitepaper: a new model that rewards teachers and students. Coming soon.


The Faster the Zebra, the stronger the force.

Education Reimagined:
Where Learning Rewards You.

Web3 has unlocked new models for value creation and community ownership. Now, Faster Zebra is bringing this approach to education. Our model rewards all learners and teachers through a two-way value stream.

How? By incentivising achievements and meaningful contributions with tokens.


Level Up Your Skills, Elevate Your Career.

Students earn tokens for participation, successful course & module completion, community participation, referrals, content creation, and rating course materials.


You can redeem earned tokens for advanced course access, mentoring, and more coming soon.


Shape the Next Generation of Change-creators

Teachers & Mentors also receive our tokens for developing courses, guiding students, and moderating discussions. Tokens represent your impact on our ecosystem.


The faster the zebra, the stronger the force.

We see education as a force for good. Our innovative model makes learning accessible and empowering using blockchain technology. Students earn as you learn. Teachers make an impact. Together, we build the next generation of future-ready education.


Through scholarships, skills courses, and our unique reward system, we’re creating opportunities for all.


Join us as we leverage AI and Web3 to make life better. Let’s tackle global challenges and help unlock human potential.

Let’s move faster toward a brighter future, Zebras.